What we do

We provide client specific and custom made technologies and information in the chemical industry.

Factory Operation

We provide custom made techniques for the production of various chemical applications mainly used in textile, pulp, paper and leather industries.

Technical and
Engineering Services

We offer a broad range of services in order to facilitate production and maintain operating lines on a continuous basis.

Product Development,
Marketing Services

We offer to arrange all required information that our customers require in this global competitive market in order for them to excel.


We provide technologies to improve company effectiveness, sustainability and measure performance used to manage our customers companies.

Technology for Innovators

Creating sustainable value

About the company

We provide sustainable know how, so our customers can focus on their day to day business.

VPSD TechSol is an international consultancy services company. The consultancy activities are focused on the chemical industry. In particular, factory operation techniques, technical and engineering services, product development, marketing services, information technology in the chemical industry used mainly for textile, pulp and paper; hence providing specific know how to its international customers.

Main activities of VPSD TechSol are to render and acquire knowledge through licenses and sublicenses, to acquire and dispose of rights of industrial and intellectual ownership.

About TechSol

Get in touch

You may contact us for more information, please find our details below.

Zuid-Hollandlaan 7
2596AL The Hague
the Netherlands